PRESS RELEASE ++ Exhibition Catalogue – Never for Sale – Limited edition-prints original museum-quality

Press release

The art exhibition “Never for Sale” signed by the artist Nicholas Wave is opened at the Nicolae Tonitza Gallery in Iași between 10th and 20th of November, 2021. The exhibition is built around the concept of “Never for Sale”.

Never for Sale concept. What is this all about?

Our species is driven mostly by wealth and impressed by wealth. 
“I believe we all need to have another core value. Other than money!” See the #13 print.

My vision is to encourage every person I meet, personally or through my works, to be happier and healthier. And photography is a great tool for this purpose. My goal is to work on improving the merger between the dominant species – us, humans – and the planet Earth with the rest of the species. I mean, we certainly don’t want to behave like a virus that kills its host, unable to understand that this is suicide.  
The Universe is a continuous war for balance and it finds always the shortest path to rebalance (even if it’s too long for our perception).

“I believe that some things should never be for sale the Never for Sale seed must be planted, grow a tree, and then a forest. This exhibition and my writings are the moral seed I plant.”

I like to invite to common sense, empathy. Kindness is the greatest sign of intelligence. And this is possible with strong moral conduct. My exhibit is an encouragement to refine moral conduct. I believe this is the path to what religion calls – enlightenment.

As we all know, it is said that God is everywhere. The visual interpretation of God, saints, and angels has a human association for an easier connection between humans and divinity.

The genius of the written Bible is its ability to use a language that might be easily understood by everyone. Science does not replace God, science doesn’t say and cannot say God does not exist.
My works are about a positive vibe, about creation, about the synthesis of pure light and I am in a continuous struggle to offer more meaning without altering my style. As a viewer, you will still have a puzzle to solve. Your result will fit you best.

The joy to see improvement in someone else’s life, produced by the materialisation of a thought or suggestion is the greatest reward. This way you can see how a seed grows into a new species of tree.

As important as the work itself is the message and meaning I assigned to it. When looking, you will see what you want to see. I believe an artist’s goal is to improve and enchant the viewer and owner, to assign a strong statement. Art, for the purchaser, should be equally about visual impact and the statement or the goals the artist stood for.

This exhibit and concept is a small encouragement to shift, adapt and evolve our core values. Seeing the pieces and reading my thoughts will help in understanding some of the ideas I’m writing.

If I can reach to you and create a small spark with one of my works, this is a huge success for me. This is an invitation to balance, an interpretation of the Ying-Yang. 

Some of the works presented are a visual interpretation of the moral duality caused by the easily corrupted individuals. Some are questions dedicated to you.

I want to put the tag Never For Sale to some contemporary moral values and items. On every exhibition I will mark at least one of my favorite works with the Never for Sale tag. Allow me to ask you: What are your Never for Sale values? 

Proud to present the 2021 Never for sale exhibition catalogue, with the concept, the works, my concerns and warnings.

About the artist, about the prints

The artist Nicholas Wave, is the author of the concept “Never for Sale” which encourages the improvement of moral values. The “Never for Sale” label will mark at least one work from this and future exhibitions. Every year the artist presents 27-40 photos in a personal exhibition.

“I support the idea that every person should plant at least 10 trees for dust-free air and the necessary oxygen. A mature tree produces the oxygen needed for 10 people in a year, but we must not forget that we are not the only organisms that consume oxygen.”

The photos are printed on 100% cotton paper, Hahnemühle Photo Rag Ultra Smooth, 305 g / m² paper, acid-free, according to ISO 9706, museum quality for the highest resistance to ageing. Using Canon Lucia Pro inks that meet the highest archiving standards, the prints will look fine after hundreds of years.

Works that do not have the “Never for Sale” label are available for sale in a limited edition of 10 or 30 accompanied by the certificate of authenticity. You can see and purchase using the artist website:

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